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Quick Tips To Stay Organized At Home

Being organized is much more than having a clean home. It translates to your mental and physical health too. Once you are able to get your things organized you will notice a change in your life. Being organized is a learned behavior, by taking daily small steps you can experience a more organized home. (post includes affiliate links; full disclosure statement available {here})

Everything Has A Place

Whenever you take something from its designated place, put it back. This will stop clutter from happening in the first place. This is the simplest way to stay organized. Think of when and where you will be using everything in your home and have a set place for it.

Store Things Where They Are Used

Keeping things stored where you use them the most will make it easier to put it back in its place right away. Rather than having to bring it back to another room in the house. If you find yourself not able to find a place to store something that may be an item you want to let go of.

Set A Schedule

Keeping things clean and organized can seem overwhelming. Keeping a schedule for different chores on everyday of the week will make it more manageable and breaks it down into smaller tasks instead of one daunting day of cleaning.

Focus On One Area At A Time

When you have accumulated a lot of clutter it can seem like you will never be able to get through it all. It’s best to start with one area at a time to avoid feeling like you have to do it all at once. A helpful way to get started is by removing everything from the area you are working on and start getting rid of what you don’t need. This is the best way to make more room for the things you do use.

Create A Functional Organization System

When you clean an area and it still looks messy you will want to change how you are organizing that area. Every area of your house should function smoothly and be easy to keep organized. There isn’t one way to organize, everyone is different. Come up with your own system that works for you. This will be the best way to keep things organized long term.

Hey everyone, I’m Michelle a health and wellness enthusiast. I’m constantly looking to improve myself and want to use this blog as a way to share information.