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High Energy Foods That Boost Energy Levels

The foods you eat are essential in keeping your energy levels up. The types of foods you eat determine whether it’s sustainable energy or not. You get sustained energy from high quality foods sources such as fruits and legumes. Here are some high energy foods that boost energy levels.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins and minerals the body needs to give you energy. They are a great source of carbohydrates that provide energy. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber that helps to slow the body’s absorption of carbs. This is how they give you sustained energy.


Bananas are rich in potassium, fiber, vitamins, and carbohydrates that naturally gives you a boost in energy. They are also a good source of natural sugar, the fiber in bananas help slow the digestion of the sugar.


Oats are a complex carb that’s full of fiber and some protein. Oats are slower to digest and gives you lasting energy throughout the day. Steel-cut and old-fashioned oats are the best options as they don’t have added sugar.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a great source of energy being packed with the carbs, healthy fats and fiber. They are full of omega-3s, that are heart healthy and anti-inflammatory. You can add chia seeds to your smoothie or yogurt for an energy boost.


Beans are a great source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. They are full of fiber to help slow digestion and are also rich in magnesium that helps your cells make energy.

In Season Fruits and Vegetables

When you eat in season fruits and vegetables they ripen naturally. The fresher the foods the more nutrients they contain. Dark berries like blueberries and raspberries are full of antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and fatigue in the body.

Complex Carbs

Complex carbs gives you energy without the spike in sugar levels that processed foods do. When you eat enough complex carbs you get nutrients full of fiber for a natural energy boost. Complex carbs are the best fuel for exercise, they help fuel endurance giving you more energy for your workout.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a great way to fight hunger and fatigue. They are packed with omega-3s, fiber, and protein that satisfy hunger giving you more energy throughout the day.

Hey everyone, I’m Michelle a health and wellness enthusiast. I’m constantly looking to improve myself and want to use this blog as a way to share information.