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Tips to Burn Fat and Maintain A Healthy Weight

Maintaining and losing weight can be challenging with the average busy lifestyle. It’s also said that only 20% of those who diet and lose weight end up keeping it off. This is why losing weight should not be the primary goal. There has to be a more important reason, such as your overall health or the longevity that being a healthy weight brings. Once you are clear on your bigger reason than these tips will come more easily to you. Here are some tips to burn fat and maintain a healthy weight. (post includes affiliate links; full disclosure statement available {here})

2-3 Meals per day

It’s important not to graze on food continuously throughout the day. This is because when we eat our insulin levels spike. A minimum of 2 meals a day and maximum of 3 meals a day will helps keep insulin levels low and help burn fat during the breaks between meals. It’s important to eating enough to prevent being constantly hungry or deprived. Most of the time when we aren’t seeing weight loss results we have too much insulin.

No Snacking

Every time we eat we spike insulin levels. Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for that extra belly fat. You will see faster results by cutting snacking out completely between meals. Your body will be forced to burn stored fat.

Snacking and grazing makes it hard to ever feel satisfied resulting in overeating. By not snacking you have more control over what you’re eating. This also means your meals need to be satisfying enough so you’re not hungry in-between meals.

The Right Amount of Protein

Protein is important for weight loss. It increases the metabolism and reduces appetite. Try to get 3 to 6 ounces based on your size per meal. It’s also important to not eat too much protein as it can stimulate an increase in insulin. When the right amount of protein is consumed you’re more satisfied and the hunger hormone ghrelin is reduced.

7 to 10 cups of Vegetables

Vegetables help flush fat out of our system from the liver. All of our fat goes through the liver, if you’re not getting enough vegetables this can lead to a fatty liver. Vegetables also give us the potassium we need. All vegetables have low energy densities and provide fiber that is good for weight loss.

Choose non-starchy vegetables to reduce spikes in blood sugar. Non-starchy vegetables are grown mostly above ground. They usually have more protein and are low in carbohydrates. Such as, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach.

No Sugar

Cutting all sugar and watching for hidden sugars in food labels. This can be hard at first but your tastebuds will adjust overtime. Most processed packed foods contain sugars, such as cookies, breads, and crackers. Stick to real foods with as few ingredients as possible. Not only is cutting sugar important for weight loss, it also will decrease your risk for several diseases that result from elevated blood sugar levels.

Healthy Fats

In order to burn fat and go longer between meal we need to eat enough fat, this will help you stay full longer. This will make it easier to skip that snack in between meals. Fat helps to balance blood sugar levels, which impacts insulin levels. By adding healthy fats into your diet you keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day.


Potassium is an electrolyte the combines with sodium to regulate fluid in the body. It helps to keep you from retaining too much fluid in your cells.This in turn also keeps insulin levels low. Being able to maintain low insulin levels is key to weight loss.

When it becomes hard to lose weight it’s usually because there is too much insulin. Potassium boosts the metabolism and gives you more energy. When you have the right amount of potassium levels you also boost iron levels, improving energy levels.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Research shows that the acid in apple cider vinegar reduces insulin, improves insulin resistance, and lowers blood sugars. It can help you feel full longer, which helps reduce calorie intake. Consuming 1 tablespoon a day has been shown to increase weight loss and body fat.

HIIT Workouts

Research has shown that high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts really work for weight loss. These are short intervals of hard workouts with short rest periods in between. You can do HIIT with any activity that you like, such as running and cycling. High intensity interval training helps spike the growth hormone resulting in weight loss.


Studies show that getting 1 extra hour of sleep is linked to eating 270 fewer calories per day. Some experts believe sleep to be a game changer for weight loss. Getting more sleep with help increase the growth hormone which is the main hormone that stimulates fat burning. If you’re not sleeping it’s hard to lose weight. Quality sleep helps you make better food choices and stick to a healthy diet.



Chromium has been shown to increase lean body mass and decrease body fat. It is a mineral found in many foods that helps the metabolism of nutrients and keeps insulin levels low. Researchers found that appetite and cravings were reduced in those taking a chromium supplement.


B vitamins are an important part of energy metabolism. They help metabolize the foods we eat and activate stored energy to be burned instead of it turning to fat. They also help to regulate insulin levels.
Some studies suggest that vitamin B12 can have an affect on body fat and metabolism. Having adequate amounts of vitamin B12 may lower the risk of weight gain and obesity.

Hey everyone, I’m Michelle a health and wellness enthusiast. I’m constantly looking to improve myself and want to use this blog as a way to share information.